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For Investors

Ariel Re aims to match high quality, desirable risk to high quality capital providers seeking superior risk-adjusted returns.

We seek to achieve superior returns by sourcing low frequency / high severity, high margin business and leveraging the capital support of Lloyd’s of London.

Through investment in our reinsurance portfolios we offer investors the chance to access high returns which are uncorrelated with the broader market.

Syndicate Performance

We have a long track record of outperforming our peers and generating consistent returns across market cycles.

Ariel Re Syndicate 1910 was the third best performing syndicate at Lloyd’s for 2023 by combined ratio.

Syndicate 1910 also reported the biggest improvement in combined ratio year-on-year with our combined ratio improving from 106% in 2022 to 48% in 2023 among our peer group of syndicates that wrote at least £100mn in GWP during 2023.

Ariel Re Syndicate 1910 is also the third most profitable non-life syndicates at Lloyd’s over the last decade with a weighted-average combined ratio below 87%.

Alpha Generators

Ariel Re offers a unique combination of superior systems, underwriting outperformance, downside protection and capital efficiency


  • Ground up portfolio construction using proprietary portfolio and pricing system
  • In house research team constantly evaluating new climate data and reports


  • Targeted hedging strategy offering effective downside mitigation


  • Experienced underwriting team with deep industry knowledge and relationships
  • 18-year history and deep relationships with brokers and cedants provides unparalleled access to business


  • Lloyd’s highly rated balance sheet enables access to business and provides exceptional capital efficiency for investors

Investor Relations Team

Katie Partington Howarth

Chief Capital Officer

Henry Paddison

Head of Capital Development and Investor Relations

Syndicate Financial Statements

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