Our Products
Our business is primarily short tail, low frequency/high severity excess of loss reinsurance
We focus on lines of business where we have expertise in order to specialise and be major market players. We can commit line sizes of up to $200m. With almost 20 years of experience, we have demonstrated expertise in our selected lines.
Property Catastrophe
Attachment point
Ariel Re has no attachment point preference. Our current portfolio includes low return period coverage and extremely remote excess of loss protection.
Geographic focus
We predominantly write in the U.S. and in select international geographies.
Property Underwriters
Attachment point
Ariel Re has no attachment point preference. Our current portfolio includes low return period coverage and extremely remote excess of loss protection.
Geographic focus
We write on a worldwide basis.
Cyber Underwriters
Marine & Specialty
Attachment point
Ariel Re has no attachment point preference. Our current portfolio includes low return period coverage and extremely remote excess of loss protection.
Geographic focus
We write on a worldwide basis.